What Happens If You Boil Eggs For 10 Minutes [Explained!]

If you boil eggs for longer duration, the water will start to evaporate and the eggs will start to cook. The longer you boil the eggs, the more cooked they will be. If you boil the eggs for too long, they will become hard and difficult to eat.

 If you boil eggs for 10 minutes, the water will start to evaporate and the eggs will start to cook. The longer you boil the eggs, the harder they will become.

If you boil an egg for too long, it will become rubbery and tough. The yolk will also become crumbly and dry.

What Happens If You Boil Eggs For 10 Minutes

What Happens If You Boil Eggs For 2 Minutes?

If you boil eggs for 2 minutes, the yolks will be cooked through but the whites will still be runny. This is a good choice if you like your yolks cooked but not hard.

What Happens If You Boil Eggs For 3 Minutes?

If you boil eggs for three minutes, the whites will be cooked through but the yolks will still be runny. This is a good way to cook eggs if you want them to be soft and easy to eat.

What Happens If You Boil Eggs For 4 Minutes?

If you boil eggs for 4 minutes, they will be cooked through but the yolks will be starting to turn green around the edges.

If you want to avoid this, boil the eggs for 3 minutes then take them off the heat and let them sit in the hot water for another 2 minutes.

What Happens If You Boil Eggs For 5 Minutes?

If you boil an egg for five minutes, the heat will cause the egg white and egg yolk to solidify.

The egg will be safe to eat, but it will have a firm texture. The yolk will be slightly green in color and the egg white will be white.

What Happens If You Boil Eggs For 6 Minutes?

If you boil eggs for 6 minutes, they will be cooked through but the yolks will be starting to get firm.

This is a good time to take them out if you want soft-boiled eggs. If you continue boiling them, the yolks will continue to firm up and the eggs will be hard-boiled.

What Happens If You Boil Eggs For 7 Minutes?

If you boil eggs for 7 minutes, the proteins inside the eggs will begin to denature and coagulate. This means that the egg whites will become firm and the yolks will begin to thicken.

The egg will no longer be runny and will have a more solid texture. Additionally, the 7 minute mark is when boiled eggs are traditionally served in many parts of the world.

What Happens If You Boil Eggs For 8 Minutes?

If you boil eggs for 8 minutes, the yolks will be fully cooked but the whites will still be runny. This is a good way to cook eggs if you want them to be sunny side up.

Facts About Boiling Eggs

  • Boiling eggs for six minutes results in well-cooked whites and runny yolks, making them ideal for dishes like soft-boiled eggs and egg dishes like shakshuka.
  • Six-minute eggs are easier to peel than their three-minute counterparts, making them perfect for dishes where a perfect peel is key, like deviled eggs.
  • The longer cook time also results in a firmer yolk, making six-minute eggs a good choice for dishes like egg salad, where a firmer yolk is desired.
  • Boiling eggs for six minutes results in a more consistent cook, making them less likely to overcook or undercook.
  • The longer cook time also allows for more flavor to be imparted into the egg, making them more flavorful than shorter-cooked eggs.
  • Six-minute eggs are a safe option for those who are pregnant or have compromised immune systems, as the longer cook time reduces the risk of food-borne illness.


If you boil eggs for minutes, the water will start to turn into steam and the eggs will start to cook. The longer you boil the eggs, the harder they will become. If you boil them for too long, the eggs will become hard and dry.